Pierre-Bruno Ruffini


Pierre-Bruno Ruffini is a professor of International Economics at the Faculty of International Affairs at the University of Le Havre (France). From 2000 to 2005, he served as the President of the University of Le Havre. He is a former Counselor for Science and Technology at the Embassy of France in Russia (2007-2010) and Italy (2010-2013). His most recent publications on science diplomacy are his book Science and Diplomacy – A New Dimension of International Relations (Springer, 2017); and “The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the Science-Diplomacy Nexus”, in the special issue of Global Policy, Nov. 2018. Prof. Ruffini will act as a science diplomacy expert and perform case study research in WP3.

livro Science and Diplomacy: https://www.springer.com/gb/book/9783319551036