Eliezer Rabinovich


Eliezer Rabinovici is Professor of Physics, holding the Leon H. and Ada
G. Miller Chair of Science at the Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew
University of Jerusalem. He received there his BSc (1969) and MSc
degrees(1971). He completed his PhD at the Weizmann Institute of
Science in 1974. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Fermilab (1975-1976)
and at Lawrence Berkeley Lab (1977). He has been at the Hebrew
University since 1978 as Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor (1981) and
Professor (1985).
His area of research is theoretical high-energy physics, in particular
quantum field theory and string theory. He has published over 150 papers
and chapters in books. He has also edited several proceedings and
compendia. He has been invited to deliver named lectures and many
talks at international meetings as well as seminars at the leading
institutes in the field.
He was awarded the Miller Visiting Professorship at UC Berkeley (2003)
and a Simons Distinguished Visiting Scholar at KITP UCSB (2014). He
has been a fellow at the IAS Princeton and a visiting professor at the
Michigan-Ann Arbor, Rutgers and Stanford Universities.